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Toy Name: Poppy Toy Builder: Yvie age 3 Super Powers: Runs Fast



Toy Name: Sparkle Toy Builder: Julia age 5 Super Powers: Turns into a Train.



Toy Name: Croak Toy Builder: Cameron age 5 Super Powers: Shooting



Toy Name: Tentacle-eshia & Fred-eshia Toy Builder: Evie age 14 Super Powers: Super Strength in blue arm. The octopus arm is shape shifting. The blue arm has anger issues and the tentacle arm has to control the anger.



Toy Name: The Bossy Head & Baby Monkey Toy Builder: Joy age 36 Super Powers: The head is all knowing but unable to take action. In exchange for working for the head the money gets unlimited milk.



Toy Name: Chikwheel Toy Builder: Clara age 7 Super Powers: It can bite, squawk and go fast.



Toy Name: Hotel G.I Joe and his Friends Toy Builder: Roy Super Powers: Speed and Compassion



Toy Name: Kylie Johnson & Bah Bye Toy Builder: vance age 12 Super Powers: The Left one grabs them and shoves them in the other one's mouth. It also has a really strong punch that sends 'em flying and creates a giant path of destruction in from of him.



Toy Name: Shrek-a-nator Toy Builder: Erin Super Powers: Sings broadway showtimes while jet-packing around.



Toy Name: Jerry Toy Builder: Gavin age 19 Super Powers: Provides transit for visiting aliens.



Toy Name: Jet-ing Toy Builder: Nancy age 50+ Super Powers: Flies like a butterfly; stings like a bee



Toy Name: Monsieur Bomb Bomb Toy Builder: Annie & Betsy age 17 / 49 Super Powers:



Toy Name: Mr & Mrs So Happy Together Toy Builder: Janine age 73 Super Powers: Spreading happiness around the world with their band JoJo and Ruby.



Toy Name: Larry and his rider Larry Toy Builder: Emily Super Powers: Walking silently while bending reality and dancing the Cha Cha.



Toy Name: Kenoughasaurus & Qui-Strong-Gin Toy Builder: Nicole age 33 Super Powers: Kenoughasaurus' hair changes color when he runs fast. Qui-Strong-Gin has a rocket booster and super strength, is a gin dispenser.



Toy Name: Handy Man Toy Builder: Jenn 15 Super Powers: Ability to stop manual misdeeds by any means necessary.



Toy Name: Lasetist Toy Builder: Craig age <30 Super Powers: Left handed laser to shoot stress away.



Toy Name: Roberta Toy Builder: Alyssa age 9 Super Powers: Flys super fast and extremely high.



Toy Name: Can Cannon Launcher Toy Builder: Trey age 6 Super Powers: Shoots out of 7 cannons at one time.



Toy Name: Scooper & Saw Mutant Man Toy Builder: Jill age 56 Super Powers: Super fast with scooping powers.



Toy Name: Controlling Sisters Toy Builder: Joe Super Powers: Boundary Manipulation



Toy Name: The Incombustible Claw & The Baby Litter Toy Builder: Mike age 35 Super Powers: Dipping your chip or vegetable into dips or sauces that are way too hot. Baby Litter tells Santa when babies litter.



Toy Name: Love Car Toy Builder: Jinny age 18+ Super Powers: Take a ride in the love car and forget your quarrels.



Toy Name: Lizaphant Rover & Crabomet Toy Builder: Sanna age 12 Super Powers: Able to drive through rough mountain terrain, moves quickly and has a powerful sting.



Toy Name: Toy Builder: Erika age 9 Super Powers:



Toy Name: A.O.C.P.R.S. Toy Builder: Colin, Oliver & Archer Super Powers: Ultra cannon, speed, craziness, wheelies, power, gambling.



Toy Name: Dino-rella & Connect Frog
 Toy Builder: Ella
 Age: 10
 Super Powers: Dino-rella can fly and has laser eyes, Connect Frog controls minds.



Toy Name: Jake the Strength Toy Builder: Frank Age: 9 Super Powers: Has super strength and super speed and he can teleport and go into the future.



Toy Name: Destructo Toy Builder: Paxon Age: 6 Super Powers: Flying, shooting fire and flies at 10 miles per hour.



Toy Name: Frog Car Toy Builder: Raven Age: 12 Super Powers: Has frog power for pulling the car.



Toy Name: Scrap Trapper Toy Builder: Steven Age: 25 Super Powers: Trash compaction power, Claes to scrape and scoop, and a tail to sift through debris.



Toy Name: Mmurmobile & Flying Dozer Toy Builder: Sutton Age: 6 Super Powers: Mmurmobile lures children to make toys. Flying Dozer slaps down on people misbehaving.



Toy Name: Tiger Cycle Toy Builder: Eddie Age: 4 Super Powers: Jumps high and flips into the air, and also can go really fast.



Toy Name: Frog Car Toy Builder: Jules Age: 3 Super Powers: Cheetah powers.



Toy Name: Falcon Glider Toy Builder: Elijah Age: 5 Super Powers: Super Vision.



Toy Name: Rodent Toy Builder: Elias Age: 5 and a half Super Powers: Every Power.



Toy Name: Cupcake Toy Builder: Ayla Age: 5 and a half Super Powers: Invisibility.



Toy Name: The Amazing Rando Toy Builder: Liam Age: 11 Super Powers: Motorcycle flight, communication with turtles and aggressive left turns.



Toy Name: Gomask & M-fluence Toy Builder: Sutton Age: 6 Super Powers: Gomask is a flying car and M-Fluence has no power.



Toy Name: Priscilla Panera Toy Builder: Liz Age: 41 Super Powers: Sprays pink glitter everywhere and can eat carbs without consequences.

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