TOY CREATOR: Olive, age 2 TOY NAME: Plate of Food SUPER POWERS: n/a

TOY CREATOR: Finn, age 3 TOY NAME: Chicken Monster SUPER POWERS: n/a

TOY CREATOR: Sadie, age 7 TOY NAME: Round-A-Sadie SUPER POWERS: Launching

TOY CREATOR: Lucius, age 7 TOY NAME: U-Turner, The Confetti Cannon, and the By-Stander SUPER POWERS: U-Turner makes it rain whenever it wants, The Confetti Cannon shoots out 10,000 pieces of confetti every second, and the By-Stander can duplicate itself.

TOY CREATOR: Gracie, age 7 TOY NAME: Noofle and Icazi SUPER POWERS: Noofle opens and closes back, and Icazi is good at flying fast

TOY CREATOR: Marie, age 7 TOY NAME: Spider Girl, and Wheel of Lightning SUPER POWERS: Spider Girl has web shooting powers and Wheel of Lightning has lightning powers

TOY CREATOR: Ruby, age 6 TOY NAME: Clara SUPER POWERS: Clara has flying and Invisibility powers

TOY CREATOR: Jack, age 7 TOY NAME: Venom Car, Flash, and Flipper SUPER POWERS: Venom Car has stinging power, Flash has pushing power, and Flipper has chomping power

TOY CREATOR: Katherine, age 7 TOY NAME: Fluttershy and Loveless SUPER POWERS: Fluttershy has kindness power and Loveless saves the world

TOY CREATOR: Eliot, age 8 TOY NAME: Eyeball Woody and Alien Zebra SUPER POWERS: Eyeball Woody shoots lasers out of it's eyes

TOY CREATOR: Gray, age 5 TOY NAME: Thorny and Foot SUPER POWERS: Thorny makes lightning and Foot shoots lasers

TOY CREATOR: Arlo, age 4 TOY NAME: Spider Kook Mike, and Pirate Jack-Jack Poo-Poo Knick-Knack SUPER POWERS: Spider Kook Mike can spin webs, jump from web to web, makes lines with his web, stick on the wall, and the lava goes through the tubes and out the eyes and mouth in the back. Pirate Jack-Jack Poo-Poo Knick-Knack can shovel stuff really fast, and can go big and small, and has lasers that come out of his eyes.