TOY CREATOR: Jalena, age 9 TOY NAME: Super Hippo, and Super Woman SUPER POWERS: Super Hippo can fly and Super Woman can become a giraffe

TOY CREATOR: Emma, age 7 TOY NAME: Freezerburn SUPER POWERS: Freezing Power and Fire Power

TOY CREATOR: Milan, age 9 TOY NAME: Super Moose and Big Baby SUPER POWERS: Super Moose can fly and Big Baby can spin around and whack criminals with the guy's feet

TOY CREATOR: Addie, age 7 TOY NAME: Under the Sea SUPER POWERS: Power of the mind

TOY CREATOR: Sami, age 6.5 TOY NAME: N/A SUPER POWERS: Super Lasers shoot out of his backpack

TOY CREATOR: Shradhdha, age 7 TOY NAME: Trickster SUPER POWERS: It can do circus tricks

TOY CREATOR: Greyson, age 7 TOY NAME: Squad of Doom SUPER POWERS: Has all super powers

TOY CREATOR: Ava, age 7 TOY NAME: Ursula SUPER POWERS: sticks to walls

TOY CREATOR: Corryn, age 8 TOY NAME: Snoopy's Day SUPER POWERS: Telling people the future

TOY CREATOR: Kostya, age 6 TOY NAME: Shine Light and Shining Light SUPER POWERS: Shine Light has super strength a shark catcher and is a deep sea man. Shining Light has strength power, catcher of sharks, and looks for sharks

TOY CREATOR: Mckayla, age 8 TOY NAME: Space Laser SUPER POWERS: Laser and Mind Reading Power

TOY CREATOR: Drake, age 6 TOY NAME: Super Hero Princess Kit SUPER POWERS: Makeup storage and turns you into a tiger