TOY CREATOR: Oliver, age 2 TOY NAME: Triceratops Spaceman SUPER POWERS: Super loud

TOY CREATOR: Anna, age 6 TOY NAME: The Binocular Headman SUPER POWERS: Flying so fast

TOY CREATOR: Zoey, age 6 TOY NAME: Animal Cruiseship SUPER POWERS: Goes really fast in water

TOY CREATOR: Everett, age 5 TOY NAME: Frank

TOY CREATOR: Izzie, age 3 TOY NAME: Part Minibus SUPER POWERS: Blasts off

TOY CREATOR: Alex, age 8 TOY NAME: Robot Pig's Revenge and the New Resistance SUPER POWERS: Robot Pig's Revenge turns invisible and The New Resistance tracks anyone no matter what

TOY CREATOR: Joey, age 6 TOY NAME: Star Wars SUPER POWERS: Shoots light sabers and super speed

TOY CREATOR: Will, age 8 TOY NAME: The Ultimate Car SUPER POWERS: Can fly

TOY CREATOR: Joe TOY NAME: Rockbot SUPER POWERS: Shoots rocks outs of its blasters

TOY CREATOR: Janylah, age 11 TOY NAME: Dr. Waffle Maker SUPER POWERS: Makes waffles

TOY CREATOR: Messiah, age 3 TOY NAME: Pink power SUPER POWERS: Batman fly

TOY CREATOR: Mike and Spenser TOY NAME: Hairy the Turtle SUPER POWERS: He can eat large meals fast