TOY CREATOR: Forrest AGE: 10 TOY NAME: Magna-Tron, Mini-Griffin, Abomination SUPER POWERS: Sticks to anything metal & can explode and come back together, Spits fire and can hold anything, can explode and fly really high.

TOY CREATOR: Jacob AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Tommy & Max, Fuzzy Bear, Dino Mice SUPER POWERS: Speed Powers, Electricity, and can create Dino Mice

TOY CREATOR: Layla AGE: 9 TOY NAME: Pony World SUPER POWERS: Flying Power

TOY CREATOR: Landen AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Mario SUPER POWERS: Blinding Powers

TOY CREATOR: Kaden AGE: 12 TOY NAME: Mega Robot & Jet Pack Kid SUPER POWERS: Jumps High and has Super Strength, Has and iron fist

TOY CREATOR: Ayden AGE: 8 TOY NAME: The Destroyer SUPER POWERS: The cars is super fast

TOY CREATOR: Lily AGE: 7 TOY NAME: The Food Shop SUPER POWERS: Serves Food

TOY CREATOR: Levi AGE: 9 TOY NAME: The Dream Team SUPER POWERS: Has super basketball skills

TOY CREATOR: Austyn AGE: 11 TOY NAME: Chubby Boy

TOY CREATOR: Trinity AGE: 9 TOY NAME: Blue Ash SUPER POWERS: Flying power

TOY CREATOR: Levi AGE: 9 TOY NAME: Lil' Nas X SUPER POWERS: Is a strong horse

TOY CREATOR: Jaslene AGE: 8 TOY NAME: The Hero SUPER POWERS: Shoots out unicorns