TOY BUILDER: Liam AGE: 6 TOY NAME: Sergeant Smash SUPER POWERS: Sergeant Smash has fight power, and fire & ice power
TOY BUILDER: Maddy AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Detective Snoopy and Roll-a-Corn SUPER POWERS: Detective Snoopy leaves a trail, Roll-a-Corn is a rollercoaster.
TOY BUILDER: Brooke AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Fire Dragon SUPER POWERS: Fire Dragon can breathe fire and fly.
TOY BUILDER: Andrea AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Spinny the Squirrel SUPER POWERS: Spinny the Squirrel shines a very bright light.
TOY BUILDER: Rebecca AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Super Ramp 1000 SUPER POWERS: Super Ramp 1000 has super speed
TOY BUILDER: Isaac AGE: 6 TOY NAME: Aligator Mech and Kung Foo Boomerang SUPER POWERS: Aligator Mech has flying power and throws bolts, kung Foo Boomerang throws his boomerang super far away to destroy buildings.
TOY BUILDER: Hannah AGE: 6 TOY NAME: The King Beach Truck SUPER POWERS: The King Beach Truck makes high wind and shoots.
TOY BUILDER: Gina AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Forrest Ring SUPER POWERS: When you throw the Forrest Ring somewhere it turns that place into a forrest.
TOY BUILDER: Anna AGE: 8 TOY NAME: Speed Slide SUPER POWERS: The Speed Slide goes super fast.
TOY BUILDER: Sam AGE: 7 TOY NAME: The Exterminator and the Super Fast Guy SUPER POWERS: The Exterminator shoots a big laser and can fly. The Super Fast Guy runs really fast.
TOY BUILDER: Vivian AGE: 8 TOY NAME: The Abominable Girl SUPER POWERS: The Abominable Girl is speedy and can see far away with a telescope.
TOY BUILDER: Wren AGE: 7 TOY NAME: Moana One Leg SUPER POWERS: Moana One Leg hits people.