TOY CREATOR: Paietyn, age 9.5 TOY NAME: Super Syn Dog, Hotdog Float, and The Magnificent Wonder TOY CREATOR: Spins fast like a top; Zooms in the water; Flying power

TOY CREATOR: Olivia, age 7 TOY NAME: Mini Mouse Arms and Frankenstein With One Arm TOY CREATOR: Shoots tornadoes; Shoots lasers

TOY CREATOR: Mia, age 7 TOY NAME: The House and PJ Mask Girl TOY CREATOR: Flying out of the world power; Flying to outer space

TOY CREATOR: MJ, age 8 TOY NAME: The Speed Machine and 2000 One Million TOY CREATOR: Flight power and Jumps super high; Super speed and Changes into a car

TOY CREATOR: Max, age 7 TOY NAME: Nuke Launching skateboard TOY CREATOR: Shoots nukes

TOY CREATOR: Aiden, age 7 TOY NAME: Power Rangers Megazord and Lamborskate TOY CREATOR: Arrow blast; Hits things

TOY CREATOR: Wyatt, age 7 TOY NAME: Time Travel Robot and The No Hand Motorcycle TOY CREATOR: Time travels in less than second; The Motorcycle goes 300 MPH or faster

TOY CREATOR: Tyrell, age 7 TOY NAME: Super Controller 2000 TOY CREATOR: Controls everything and has teleport power

TOY CREATOR: Seth, age 7 TOY NAME: Planedozer and The Rhino Stump TOY CREATOR: Flying through rocks and Lava-dozes; Goes through anything

TOY CREATOR: Xavier, age 7 TOY NAME: M&M Car TOY CREATOR: Kicks cars away

TOY CREATOR: Seriya, age 3 TOY NAME: Super Magic Wiggy Worm TOY CREATOR: Blasts people

TOY CREATOR: Romeo, age 6 TOY NAME: The Mega Robot TOY CREATOR: Shoots webs