TOY CREATOR: Kylie, age 14 TOY NAME: Petey SUPER POWERS: Shapeshifting

TOY CREATOR: Tori, age 15 TOY NAME: Catman Master SUPER POWERS: Jumps very high

TOY CREATOR: Sumaiyah, age 14 TOY NAME: Robobunny SUPER POWERS: Tells each student all the answers to their homework

TOY CREATOR: Naajah, age 15 TOY NAME: Michael, Deangelos, and Splitting Ramps SUPER POWERS: Being a Helga; Turns into couches; They talk through farts

TOY CREATOR: Khalel, age 17 TOY NAME: Overload Vortex SUPER POWERS: Spins

TOY CREATOR: Rea, age 14 TOY NAME: Booter, Frankenpig, and Bootleg Bumblebee SUPER POWERS: Stings!; Reads minds; Transforms

TOY CREATOR: Vivienne, age 15 TOY NAME: The Burger Catapult and Anichka SUPER POWERS: Get free burgers every time you knock down Ronald McDonald; A snake that can fly and also Queen of Serpentville

TOY CREATOR: Victoria, age 15 TOY NAME: Bubbles and Home SUPER POWERS: Makes bubbles when the button is pressed; It takes you wherever you want to go

TOY CREATOR: Brielle, age 17 TOY NAME: Mr. Potato SUPER POWERS: Invisibility and also a master of disguise

TOY CREATOR: Niah, age 16 TOY NAME: Laser Boy SUPER POWERS: Laser eyes

TOY CREATOR: Ryland, age 17 TOY NAME: Crooked the Car SUPER POWERS: Super speed, Jump, Fly, Drive

TOY CREATOR: Jayden, age 15 TOY NAME: Mix Match SUPER POWERS: Cow-like powers, Robot-like powers, Spider-like powers