TOY CREATOR: Dylan, age 5 TOY NAME: Stinger SUPER POWERS: Very fast

TOY CREATOR: ZJ, age 3 TOY NAME: XYZ SUPER POWERS: Launcher; Stars; Fire power

TOY CREATOR: Tevor, age 8 TOY NAME: Lego SUPER POWERS: Gire power; Lighting; Water

TOY CREATOR: Nolan, age 4 TOY NAME: Batman Power Ranger, Hammer, and Brush Head Key SUPER POWERS: Shoots fire; Shoot slighting; Fire power

TOY CREATOR: Jackson, age 8 TOY NAME: Ferris and Three Leg 2.0 SUPER POWERS: Ferris Shoots poison and his eyes Shoot lasers; Three Leg 2.0 Runs super fast and has Spiderman's powers

TOY CREATOR: Eden, age 10 TOY NAME: Mr. Scooper and Hoops SUPER POWERS: Mr. Scoop flings thing back and catches them; Hoops has balls that fling out when you make a shot

TOY CREATOR: Peyton, age 6 TOY NAME: Meteor, Screw, and Bolt SUPER POWERS: Meteor drills and finds things; Screw cuts thing and eats people; Bolt has super speed and shoots arrows and laser beams to make things explode

TOY CREATOR: Foster, age 8 TOY NAME: The Beast SUPER POWERS: Shapeshifting

TOY CREATOR: Mckayla, age 9 TOY NAME: Silly SUPER POWERS: Fast skateboarder

TOY CREATOR: Lily, age 9 TOY NAME: Stargate Team SUPER POWERS: Super strength

TOY CREATOR: Kennedy, ag 9 TOY NAME: The Horn Wheeler SUPER POWERS: Very loud

TOY CREATOR: Charlie, age 10 TOY NAME: Thrown Launcher SUPER POWERS: Strength