TOY CREATOR: Quincy, age 6 TOY NAME: Professor Lightbulb and The Bomb SUPER POWERS: Blows up Bad Guy Everything

TOY CREATOR: Cyrus, age 6.5 TOY NAME: Lonnala SUPER POWERS: Makes copies of itself

TOY CREATOR: Julien, age 3 TOY NAME: Mumy-dooba-dabba SUPER POWERS: Zap! (Electricity)

TOY CREATOR: Ada, age 4 TOY NAME: Luna Papa SUPER POWERS: It can make copies of all the Pokémon in the whole wide world

TOY CREATOR: Jameson, age 6 TOY NAME: Cyclops SUPER POWERS: Night vision and Poisonous fangs

TOY CREATOR: Jesse, age 8 TOY NAME: The Warrior SUPER POWERS: Sweeping people

TOY CREATOR: Brycen, age 7 TOY NAME: LeBron SUPER POWERS: Super dunking ability

TOY CREATOR: JR, age 6 TOY NAME: Pinocchio Mickey, Dog Ninja, Angel Turtle, and Pinocchio Smurf SUPER POWERS: Pinocchio Mickey is a vegetable; Dog Ninja is made out of lava and has fire power; Angel Turtle has the ability to fly; Pinocchio Smurf is sticky

TOY CREATOR: Araya, age 7 TOY NAME: # Smurfies SUPER POWERS: Invisibility and Sees through objects

TOY CREATOR: Izayah, age 7 TOY NAME: The Ninja SUPER POWERS: Shoots lava and water, laser eyes

TOY CREATOR: Madelyn, age 7 TOY NAME: Max, Rosa, Urula, and Jordan SUPER POWERS: Rosa is mean and Urula helps people

TOY CREATOR: Mileich, age 6 TOY NAME: Boxy SUPER POWERS: Super speed