TOY CREATOR: Olivia, age 9 TOY NAME: The Durp Master SUPER POWERS: It kills people with durpiness

TOY CREATOR: Quinn, age 7 TOY NAME: The Battle of Ice Cream SUPER POWERS: Anikan has the force, the Clinkers have arm blasters

TOY CREATOR: Maya, age 7 TOY NAME: Harry & Larry SUPER POWERS: Emoji Rabbits who are very average

TOY CREATOR: Clara, age 5 TOY NAME: Helicopter SUPER POWERS: Helicopter can fly

TOY CREATOR: Maeve, age 4 TOY NAME: Rainbow Dash SUPER POWERS: Rainbow Dash can fly away fast

TOY CREATOR: Cadence, age 7 TOY NAME: The Toxic Ooze Robot & The Toxic Ooze Garbage SUPER POWERS: The Toxic Ooze Robot is the protector of the planet and the Toxic Ooze Garbage ruins the planet

TOY CREATOR: Keton, age 8 TOY NAME: Flier, Bops, & Rower SUPER POWERS: Flier flies, Bops bops a lot, and Rower shoots metal

TOY CREATOR: Narvis, age 6 TOY NAME: King Franky, Dinosaur Feet, & Car Trucky SUPER POWERS: King Franky whips his sword, Dinosaur Feet jumps on his enemies, and Car Trucky pulls dirt

TOY CREATOR: Nadia, age 4 TOY NAME: Train of Things & Bunny Attack SUPER POWERS: Train of Things drives, and Bunny attack catches people and is invisible

TOY CREATOR: Sophia, age 6.5 TOY NAME: The Ice Queen of the World & The Garden SUPER POWERS: The Ice Queen of the World freezes stuff and The Garden grows flowers

TOY CREATOR: Sam, age 6 TOY NAME: The Saving Robot SUPER POWERS: The Saving Robot skis down mountains

TOY CREATOR: Duece, age 6 TOY NAME: Snowman SUPER POWERS: Snowman fights with snowballs