TOY CREATOR: Jeremy, age 18 TOY NAME: The 7-Layered Terror SUPER POWERS: Able to swim anywhere with his large fork as a paddle and also uses it for flight as a propeller.

TOY CREATOR: Brett, age 20 TOY NAME: TMNB (Teenage Mutant Ninja Barbie) SUPER POWERS: Rolls at the speed of light and Super strength

TOY CREATOR: Tyler, age 19 TOY NAME: Chaser SUPER POWERS: Super speed

TOY CREATOR: Onica, age 19 TOY NAME: Hairbrush Killers SUPER POWERS: Deceivingly Deadly

TOY CREATOR: Edith, age 18 TOY NAME: The Donkeymobile SUPER POWERS: Catapults

TOY CREATOR: Alice, age 10 TOY NAME: Princess Hairdo SUPER POWERS: Shoots hair stuff and Does hair really quick

TOY CREATOR: Eli, age 10 TOY NAME: Baby T-Rex and Mega Mac SUPER POWERS: Shoots lasers and Has the ability to fly

TOY CREATOR: Eileen, age 11 TOY NAME: Beans, Stumpy, and Mermaid SUPER POWERS: Super jumping powers; Super speed; Underwater breathing

TOY CREATOR: Klaryssa, age 10 TOY NAME: The Hopping Barbie Rex & The Phantom Rex SUPER POWERS: Super hop; Super speed flight

TOY CREATOR: Riley, age 10 TOY NAME: Bun Bun SUPER POWERS: Shoots lasers out of its eyes

TOY CREATOR: Hannah, age 10 TOY NAME: Red SUPER POWERS: Flying power and Laser vision

TOY CREATOR: Rachael, age 10 TOY NAME: Duckapus & Moolauf SUPER POWERS: Breathes underwater; Shoots lasers