TOY CREATOR: Ryan, age 7 TOY NAME: Rock Stomper SUPER POWERS: Magical power
TOY CREATOR: Karringtyn, age 7 TOY NAME: Shish Kabob and In Your Face SUPER POWERS: Grows taller and taller; Is mean all the time
TOY CREATOR: Ami, age 7 TOY NAME: The 3 Dressed Anna Thinger Ma Bob and Dressy Scoob on the Loose SUPER POWERS: Walks on dresses; Drives a car from the outside
TOY CREATOR: Jordan, age 7 TOY NAME: Speedy Rocket and The Death Ray SUPER POWERS: Magical powers (basically everything); Magical powers also
TOY CREATOR: Xavier, age 8 TOY NAME: Fan Launcher and Yoki Laser SUPER POWERS: Shoots fans that turn into ninja stars; Shoots lasers
TOY CREATOR: Rumaisa, age 8 TOY NAME: Giraffe Head, Fairy Legs, and Monster Head SUPER POWERS: Shoots off his hat; She can fly with one leg; Spins his body while his head is straight
TOY CREATOR: Luke, age 8 TOY NAME: Lightning Fire Orb and The Killer SUPER POWERS: Drives and can shoots out fighting companions; Throws a wing and zaps people
TOY CREATOR: Zoe, age 8 TOY NAME: Pikachu Pegasus SUPER POWERS: Has elcetric bolts and an iron tail
TOY CREATOR: Isabel, age 8 TOY NAME: Tangerine and Bloo SUPER POWERS: Can eat poison food; Has every super power
TOY CREATOR: Rafael TOY NAME: Body Changer Stegasaurus, Evil Transporter, and The Main Energy Source SUPER POWERS: Turns into a wolf; Has a magical hat that transports him anywhere; Gives energy so anybody can do anything
TOY CREATOR: Izzie, age 8 TOY NAME: Flying Horse Girl and Bathtub Army SUPER POWERS: Able to fly above all the birds; Fights toys in the bathtub
TOY CREATOR: Jack, age 5 TOY NAME: Minion Clown Train and Rocket Car SUPER POWERS: Shoots fire; Shoots glue to trap bad guys