TOY CREATOR: Eleanor, age 7 TOY NAME: Princes Long Neck The Human Food, and Strawberry foot Cake SUPER POWERS: Strawberry Foot Cake jumps and kicks with her high heel, Princess Long Neck blinds people with flash, and The Human Food can stomp on people and flatten them
TOY CREATOR: Evan, age 10 TOY NAME: The 5-Eyed Alien, Red Pink Blue, and Bug? Bug. Bug! SUPER POWERS: The 5-Eyed Alien can trap people and never let go, blast plasma/ water/lasers/ good wifi. Red Pink Blue: Wherever she skates, ice forms behind her. Bug? has super speed, Bug. regenerates his body, and Bug! has a super-sonic voice making people cover their ears and stand in place.
TOY CREATOR: Michael, age 5 TOY NAME: Robo Ninja and Screw Arm SUPER POWERS: Robo Ninja can fly and Screw Arm can shoot screws out of his arm
TOY CREATOR: Oliver, age 5 TOY NAME: Olive SUPER POWERS: Olive is good at throwing
TOY CREATOR: Jack, age 8 TOY NAME: Crazy Car SUPER POWERS: Crazy car shoots people with the red front
TOY CREATOR: Benna, age 6 TOY NAME: Ragtail, Landshark, and Robot Spider SUPER POWERS: Ragtail can turn people into skeletons, Landshark calls sea creatures, and Robot spider is good at shooting electric webs
TOY CREATOR: Henry, age 6 TOY NAME: the Guy in the chair SUPER POWERS: The Guy in the Chair knows if bad guys are coming, the chair just floats over the them
TOY CREATOR: Leni, age 5 TOY NAME: The Disney Boo Bunny SUPER POWERS: The Disney Boo Bunny flies
TOY CREATOR: Luke, age 6 TOY NAME: Shoehead SUPER POWERS: Shoehead is good at kicking stuff
TOY CREATOR:Katie, age 5.5 TOY NAME: Carebear Toast SUPER POWERS: Carebear Toast is delicious
TOY CREATOR: Oliver, age 5.5 TOY NAME: Smelly st. Michael SUPER POWERS: melly St. Michael has super speed
TOY CREATOR: June, age 5 TOY NAME: Wierdohead and Lily SUPER POWERS: Weirdohead and Lily can both fly