TOY CREATOR: Levi, age 7 TOY NAME: Bouncey-Boy, Hiker, and Super Guy SUPER POWERS: Super Hook Power; Super Kick; Able to fly

TOY CREATOR: Devin, age 8 TOY NAME: Mountain Top SUPER POWERS: Turns invisible

TOY CREATOR: Cole, age 8 TOY NAME: Destructor SUPER POWERS: Fire and speed/destroys bad guys

TOY CREATOR: Nyla, age 10 TOY NAME: Minion Slingshot SUPER POWERS: Slingshot power

TOY CREATOR: Genna, age 7 TOY NAME: Rider and Cookie Spoon SUPER POWERS: Can push anything up to 5 million pounds; Makes cookies

TOY CREATOR: Addison, age 8 TOY NAME: Speed SUPER POWERS: Seeing and going really fast. (5000mph)

TOY CREATOR: Sarena, age 8 TOY NAME: Glowy and C47 SUPER POWERS: Blinds people with his light; Sleeping

TOY CREATOR: Lilly, age 8.5 TOY NAME: The Crazy Man SUPER POWERS: He can fly

TOY CREATOR: Mia, age 8 TOY NAME: Unhuman Hat Tower SUPER POWERS: Balances anything on his hat

TOY CREATOR: Rowan, age 9 TOY NAME: The Crazy Ride SUPER POWERS: Gives people crazy rides

TOY CREATOR: Skye, age 8 TOY NAME: Super Duck SUPER POWERS: Goes really fast and can fly

TOY CREATOR: Poppy, age 8 TOY NAME: Skating, Skywalker SUPER POWERS: He jumps very high