TOY CREATOR: Garrett, age 8 TOY NAME(S): Roboduck 30000, Dinotrain , Dinoduck SUPER POWER(S): Electricity, Heat breath, Floats

TOY CREATOR: Jackson, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Dino Wrecker SUPER POWER(S): Invisibility

TOY CREATOR: Ava, age 5 TOY NAME(S): Robot SUPER POWER(S): Good dancer

TOY CREATOR: Michael, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Toy, Spybat, M&M Star SUPER POWER(S): Ability to fly, Super speed, Goes into space

TOY CREATOR: Tabatha, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Magic SUPER POWER(S): Changes people's minds

TOY CREATOR: Sophie, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Barbie SUPER POWER(S): Ability to fly, Runs fast

TOY CREATOR: Veronica, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Veronica, I don't Know SUPER POWER(S): Walks really fast, Invisibility

TOY CREATOR: Leah, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Clarea SUPER POWER(S): Fast, Freezes people

TOY CREATOR: Garrett, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Candy Launcher 9000 SUPER POWER(S): Moves super fast, Shoots out candy that is all the same color but different flavors

TOY CREATOR: Andon, age 6 TOY NAME(S): Volt SUPER POWER(S): Ability to fly

TOY CREATOR: Sara, age 42 TOY NAME(S): Chic-Man SUPER POWER(S): Spreads hapiness

TOY CREATOR: Lagan age 28 TOY NAME(S): Mr. Saw Man SUPER POWER(S): Super speedy cutting