TOY NAME: The Magestic Thing-of-a-Bob TOY CREATOR: Jacob of age 9 SUPER POWERS: Teleports wherever it wants

TOY NAME: Chomp-O-Saurus, T-Rex, Clean Arena TOY CREATOR: Natalie of age 7 SUPER POWERS: Chomps monsters in half, Contorls water, Cleans very well

TOY NAME: Samerai Video Ninja TOY CREATOR: Cole of age 7 SUPER POWERS: Super fighting power

TOY NAME: Half Alien & Half Man TOY CREATOR: Edward of age 7 SUPER POWERS: Runs fast, Laser eyes, Super strength

TOY NAME: The Stick Crazy Thing, The Amazing Sign TOY CREATOR: Harnoor of age 5 SUPER POWERS: Scares off animals, Shows people where to go when they are lost

TOY NAME: Shredder, Walking Boat TOY CREATOR: Nolan of age 7 SUPER POWERS: Punches people with 4 hands, Stomps on people

TOY NAME: Super Monitor TOY CREATOR: Dale of age 6.5 SUPER POWERS: Counts the number of people in need

TOY NAME: Rocket Saber Tooth, Shredder TOY CREATOR: Carter of age 9 SUPER POWERS: Flying, Shreds stuff

TOY NAME: People in the House TOY CREATOR: Riley of age 7 SUPER POWERS: Live in the house

TOY NAME: Pablo TOY CREATOR: Michael of age 7 SUPER POWERS: Punches people into outer space

TOY NAME: The Robotic Arm, The Slapper 3000, Powerful Portal TOY CREATOR: Tate of age 6.5 SUPER POWERS: Kick and punch bad guys, Slaps and punches portals, Dives into other dimensions

TOY NAME: Super Bird, The Flash TOY CREATOR: Justice of age 6 SUPER POWERS: Shoots out fire, It can make a tornado