TOY NAME: Fish Sucker & Boxer TOY CREATOR: Cyrus age 5 SUPER POWERS: Sucking up fish & Boxing

TOY NAME: Truck Mammoth TOY CREATOR: Jack age 5 1/2 SUPER POWERS: Fly, Swim, & Move on land

TOY NAME: Trapmons TOY CREATOR: Owen age 6 SUPER POWERS: Magic portal trap traps people and monsters, but loves mom & dad.

TOY NAME: Zoomers & Flyers TOY CREATOR: Ruby age 5 SUPER POWERS: Zoomer goes really fast & Flyers swims and flies

TOY NAME: Snowflake TOY CREATOR: Amaya age 6 SUPER POWERS: Ice & Snow power

TOY NAME: Time Machine TOY CREATOR: Tyler age 6 SUPER POWERS: Take wherever and whenever you want to go.

TOY NAME: Roger the Rapid Remote Rubble Removal Robot TOY CREATOR: Henry age 22 SUPER POWERS: Lifting 5,000,000 pounds of rubble or machinery with each arm, roll at up to 20 mph or hover a few inches off the ground at 5 mph for navigating rough terrain.

TOY NAME: Zap; Wheelgator; Ball TOY CREATOR: Carson age 6 SUPER POWERS: Zapping; Blows fire; fights Ninjas

TOY NAME: Jet Fighter; Monster Lighter; Music Dude TOY CREATOR: Robert age 6 SUPER POWERS: Shoots canons & bites

TOY NAME: The Destroyer #1 & The Destroyer #2 TOY CREATOR: Aidan age 7 SUPER POWERS: #1 Has super strength and #2 Flying power

TOY NAME: Droid Destroyer & Da-Bomber TOY CREATOR: Jackson age 7 SUPER POWERS: Shooting guns and/or Bombing things at the speed of light

TOY NAME: Dump Truck Girl TOY CREATOR: Tiery age 9 SUPER POWERS: Shoots lightning out of her head, flies & pokes people