TOY NAME: Gravity Spike Master TOY CREATOR: Jay age 12 SUPER POWERS: It kicks soccer balls

TOY NAME: Mr. Bat Potato TOY CREATOR: Colin age 12 SUPER POWERS: Has the power to fly.

TOY NAME: The Riddler and The Flash TOY CREATOR: Alex age 8 SUPER POWERS: The Riddler shoots balls of electricity and drives at the speed of light. The Flash shoots lasers.

TOY NAME: Joseph and Charlie TOY CREATOR: Christina age 14 SUPER POWERS: Joseph has no power and Charlie makes everyone happy

TOY NAME: Car Boat & Triple Decker Car TOY CREATOR: Mikkel age 8 SUPER POWERS: Car Boat has the power to swim and Triple Decker Car can fly.

TOY NAME: The Saviors TOY CREATOR: Cameron age 17 SUPER POWERS: They can save the world from awful music.

TOY NAME: The Staff of Tanooki Mario & Just 'Cause TOY CREATOR: Luke age 9 SUPER POWERS: Shoots Tanooki Marios out of its mouth and sees corn miles away.

TOY NAME: Graham TOY CREATOR: Graham age 5 SUPER POWERS: Has laser eyes.

TOY NAME: Surf Penguin, Secret Dog and Laser Beam TOY CREATOR: Justine age 4 SUPER POWERS: Surf Penguin shoots Secret Dog out of its canon and laser beam shoots out laser beams.

TOY NAME: Carrot TOY CREATOR: Shae age 4 SUPER POWERS: Has the power to fly and spin.

TOY NAME: Destroyer & Destroyer TOY CREATOR: Ethan age 5 SUPER POWERS: Destroyer has shooting and flying power and Destroyer has the same powers as the other Destroyer.

TOY NAME: Squirrelly and Twirly Whirly TOY CREATOR: Stella age 6 SUPER POWERS: Squirrelly can see through walls and Twirly Whirly can twinkle.