TOY NAME:Jack & Spoder TOY CREATOR: Liam age 6 SUPER POWERS: Jack turns things to gold and Spoder shoots spider webs
TOY NAME: Doctor Fry TOY CREATOR: jayilynn age 12 SUPER POWERS: He rescues those who are hungry and when he flies he leaves a trail of salt
TOY NAME: Strip & Panda TOY CREATOR: Jayda age 12 SUPER POWERS: Throws fire balls and does karate
TOY NAME: The Floater TOY CREATOR: Early age 7 SUPER POWERS: Floats and has satellite blocking
TOY NAME: Legs TOY CREATOR: Zy'Rail SUPER POWERS: Walks on walls and has laser kicks
TOY NAME: No name TOY CREATOR: Zykeia age 11 SUPER POWERS: Spins really high in the sky
TOY NAME: Superman and Jet Guy TOY CREATOR: Nathan age 7 SUPER POWERS: Flying and electrocuting things with his hands
TOY NAME: Sheepy stuck in an egg, Flower & Beautiful Lady bug TOY CREATOR: Sarah age 9 SUPER POWERS: Sheepy has spinny knock back power Flower has flower blast and BLB has laser eyes
TOY NAME: Blue Tar Mobile TOY CREATOR: Evan age 2 SUPER POWERS: Magical car that holds any amount of stuff
TOY NAME: Stethachase TOY CREATOR: mallory age 5 SUPER POWERS: The ability to unite man made objects with nature...telepathically
TOY NAME: Stone Head TOY CREATOR: Oliver age 7 SUPER POWERS: Takes care of people when they're in trouble and shoots lasers from his eyes to fight bad guys
TOY NAME: Mr. Big TOY CREATOR: Orion age 8 SUPER POWERS: Flight, invincibility & invisibility