TOY NAME: Bear Man TOY CREATOR: Bryce SUPER POWERS: Super strength
TOY NAME: Choo Choo TOY CREATOR: Cosby SUPER POWERS: Very fast, runs on electricity
TOY NAME: Fear TOY CREATOR: Matilda SUPER POWERS: Swims fast, very strong, fish love him
TOY NAME: Dragon Batman Z and Leoalieraptor on a motorcycle TOY CREATOR: Christine SUPER POWERS: They fight crime and go as fast as the flash while traveling through time, and spontaneously spreading joy throughout the universe.
TOY NAME: Star Scream and The thriller, Brother TOY CREATOR: Nolan SUPER POWERS: Star Scream can turn invisible and use electricity. The Thriller, Brother can do smooth dance moves and can crush you from the top rope.
TOY NAME: Hammer Spike and Strong Arm TOY CREATOR: Nolan SUPER POWERS: Hammer Spike can use a ram, Strong Arm can punch and shoot torpedos.
TOY NAME: Mumsaur-wheel and Lion Star TOY CREATOR: Margaret SUPER POWERS: Mumsaur-wheel rolls and glows in the dark, Lion Star roars and flies
TOY NAME: Spider Man TOY CREATOR: Joseph SUPER POWERS: Flies and fights bad guys
TOY NAME: Cheetah Power TOY CREATOR: Miles SUPER POWER: Faster than the speed of light
TOY NAME: Spiderman on the car and Spiderman's friends TOY CREATOR: Frank SUPER POWERS: Spiderman on the car flies, and Spiderman's friends protect things.
TOY NAME: Ice-tastic TOY CREATOR: Audrey SUPER POWER: Shoots ice out of his nose and fire out of his eyes.