TOY NAME: And Beyond TOY CREATOR: Wakefield age 4 SPECIAL POWERS: He can see really far away and shoots ketchup and soggy snacks.
TOY NAME: Pork Patty TOY CREATOR: Phil age 8 SPECIAL POWERS: It flips burgers- over one billion served and Mclovin' it.
TOY NAME: Pork Brains TOY CREATOR: Emma age 7 SPECIAL POWERS: It performs telekinesis through the umbrella antennae.
TOY NAME: Hybrid Lizard & Dinocorn TOY CREATOR: Ashley age 11 SPECIAL POWERS: Hybrid Lizard decodes hieroglyphics. The dinosaur controls the unicorn.
TOY NAME: Speedy Racer TOY CREATOR: Tyler age 7 SPECIAL POWERS: It can race really fast and do wheelies.
TOY NAME: Lotso Tower TOY CREATOR: Brooke age 12 SPECIAL POWERS: Lotso uses telekinesis to move his tower.
TOY NAME: Pig-a-saurus & Flying Animals TOY CREATOR: Nora age 7 SPECIAL POWERS: Pig-a-saurus flies into trees and saves cats and stuff like that. Flying Animals flies on it's boomerang saving animals in the sky.
TOY NAME: Shaggy-bot TOY CREATOR: Louise age 7 SPECIAL POWERS: He makes people feel better when they are scared and destroys monsters.
TOY NAME: Super Ponies TOY CREATOR: Avery age 8 SPECIAL POWERS: The shield hits bad guys and protects good guys. The platform takes them through time.
TOY NAME: Uni TOY CREATOR: Savanah SPECIAL POWERS: Her horn pops up.
TOY NAME: Batman Penguin & Fireball TOY CREATOR: Reed age 4 SPECIAL POWERS: Batman Penguin takes pictures and Fireball shoots fire.
TOY NAME: Monkey Watermelon & Hello Kitty Vampire TOY CREATOR: Lily age 5 SPECIAL POWERS: Monkey Watermelon can spit watermelon seeds at everyone. Hello Kitty Vampire can turn into a bat.