TOY NAME: Super Sniffer TOY CREATOR: Brittney age 20 SUPER POWERS: Helps fight crime by "sniffing out crime"

TOY NAME: Blastroid TOY CREATOR: James 10 SUPER POWERS: The arm on the left can turn into anything.

TOY NAME: Jason TOY CREATOR: Robbie age 12 SUPER POWER: It can fly

TOY NAME: Super Shrek Need 4 Speed TOY CREATOR: Caleb age 8 SUPER POWERS: It goes fast

TOY NAME: Pengi TOY CREATOR: Mary Lou age 12 SUPER POWER: It puts out fire

TOY NAME: Mrs. McDonald TOY CREATOR: CJ SUPER POWER: Shoots fire out of her eyes

TOY NAME: Swag Santa, Creepy Grandma, & Marshmallow Lifter TOY CREATOR: Nikolas age 11 SUPER POWERS: Swag Santa makes everything swag, Creepy Grandma makes everyone weirded out, and Marshmallow Lifter controls marshmallows with his mind

TOY NAME: Carson TOY CREATOR: Brayden age 10 SPECIAL POWERS: Carson shoots wheels out of his arms and flies.

TOY NAME: Swimmy TOY CREATOR: Cindy age 53 SPECIAL POWERS: He flies.

TOY NAME: Bay Max TOY CREATOR: Nyla age 8 SPECIAL POWERS: His arm shoots weird goo that melts things. His other arm reaches out to grab far away things. He's got a tracking device so he can see and do any thing. Plus he can fly with his cape.

TOY NAME: Jackson the Cyborg Turtle TOY CREATOR: Joseph age 11 SPECIAL POWERS: He has laser eyes and can control the minds of living things.

TOY NAME: Dragon's Famous Car TOY CREATOR: James age 8 SPECIAL POWERS: It shoots lasers from the orange discs and rams with it's horns.